Dragon Warriors
Growing up can be tough. Kids today are forced to face growingly difficult situations and pressures at a much earlier age. Self-confidence is key in helping make the right decisions that they can be proud of later. This class will target each student's weakness and work to make it their strengths. They will begin to learn discipline and goal setting to achieve a greater reward.
TeensTeenage years are a crucial time in a person's life. This is when they stop being a kid and start being adults. Where they are 10 years down the line will be determined by their dedication and hard work. Students will push their limits and be expected to perform harder. They will be held as role models for our younger rising stars.
It's never too late to get started. Kung fu is a great form of exercise and stress relief for the hectic lives the work industry demands. Whether you work in an office or on a construction site, at the end of the day, you need to unwind and stretch your muscles. This class will focus on strength and flexibility, two things that are often hard to coexist. What you want to get out of the class is up to you; you can become the next kung fu master or just simply maintain a healthy lifestyle.
Academy TeamSpecifically created for our distinguished students, this class is by invitation only. Class is twice as long with more intensive training and does not follow the regular curriculum. Only students who show exemplary skill and dedication will be offered to become a part of this elite team. Members of this team will be taught forms requiring more advanced techniques and are held to a higher standard of performance. Academy team students are expected to compete in competitions and perform at school related performances.
Tai Chi
An ancient form of Chinese martial arts, Tai Chi uses movement, meditation, and breathing to harmonize mind and body and promote self-healing. Often used as a stress reliever, it involves gentle and relaxing exercises with mental focus that have proven to improve muscle strength, balance, and flexibility. Tai Chi has also shown to help medical conditions such as arthritis, breast cancer, heart disease, heart failure, hypertension, sleep problems.
Self-DefenseYou're a lover, not a fighter; but you never know when you'll need to get away from a tough situation. Size does not always matter and this class will teach you the skills you need to make a quick escape regardless of how much bigger and tougher your attacker may be. Self-defense is not limited to just protecting yourself, it can also be used for protecting your loved ones. Often, the best offense is a good defense.
Private Lessons
Through personalized one on one lessons, our instructors are able to focus specifically on the individual student. Our instructors are able to fully dedicate the lesson to the student and therefore, can work on improving the student's needs and abilities. Private lessons are not intended to be a way for the student to move faster through the regular lesson, but as a supplement to enhance the skills the student already knows.